
Life's mostly about what's in the pot and who's having it for dinner.

Monday, July 16, 2007

A good weekend

weekend came early. Thursday was my last day for the week. I was driving back from work and 'BANG!!!" . You guesses it. My car skidded and hit a telephone post damaging the left side. I was alone (thank God). I was going round a bend when it happened (it was rainy) car skidded off the road and hit a telephone pole which was actually a good thing because that was what saved me. if not for that telephone pole, my car would have turned turtle and landed in a ditch. But God is good and He did not let that happen. Instead, my car bounced off the pole and onto the road again but that sent me to the opposite lane and again, Thank God, there were no oncoming cars. Or else....
I was showered with glass and cut as well. But through all that I came out safe and not badly hurt. I have learnt a few things:
- God is thinking of us even when we're not thinking of Him.
- Life is so unpredictable. Live each day like it's your last.
- Stop and smell the roses 'coz you'll never know when you will smell your last one.
- Grab any opportunity to spend time with your dearest ones, 'coz you'll never know...

Anyway, on a lighter note, You're probably thinking that's a strange title for today's entry. Well, actually the weekend was particularly a good one because I went home to Klang. It was my darling nephew Theo's birthday. He just turned one. He has the cutest, sweetest face in the whole world. I got to spend time with my parents as well.

The party was so much fun for the kids. There was the A&W Bear as well. Poor Theo had no idea what was going on but he knew it was fun anyway.

The bear scared the kids though. But as predicted, not David. David had the most fun just being part of everything and changing all the rules.. well, can't blame him actually... he didn't KNOW the rules to begin with. He had fun dancing and playin with the bear. And I was so hoping he won't discover the bear's tail because i could only imagine what he will do to it. But eventually, he found it and yes, he pulled it. And he also played drum on the belly and the feet. And he got so upset when it was time for the bear to go ... Aww... bless.

He woke up Sunday morning, still lying in bed, and the first question..."Mama, where's the bear?"The poor bear...

Anyway, I'm home in Kuching and back to work. I am soooooooooooo tired.... Need sleep


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